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CALL FOR ONE TECHNOLOGY EXPERT - Institute of Management

  • Call notice date 22.10.2021
  • Deadline for application submission 11.11.2021

Sant’Anna School for Advanced Studies announces a public selection based on qualification and competitive exams for one technology expert, following art. 24-bis L. 240/2010; the contract will run for 24 months, with placement in EP category, economic position EP3, at the Institute of Management of Sant’Anna School for Advanced Studies. This role will provide both technical and managerial support to the projects PER-MAS: “Definizione di strategie di intervento per la gestione dell’impatto clinico, Psicopatologico e socio-Economico a seguito di situazioni emergenziali e miglioramento della Resilienza in pazienti con Malattie Autoimmuni Sistemiche” (Definition of intervention strategies for the management of the clinical, Psychopathological and socio-Economic impact as a result of emergencies and improvement of the Resilience in patients with Systemic Autoimmune Diseases) and TABLET – TOSCANA: “Nuovi modelli organizzaTivi per lA presa in carico e la tele-riaBiLitazionE delle abiliTà neuropsicomoTOrie e linguiStiche in bAmbiNi ed Adolescenti con disturbi congeniti ed acquisiti dello sviluppo” (New organizational models for the taking in charge and the tele-rehabilitation of neuropsychomotor and linguistic abilities in children and adolescents with congenital and acquired developmental disorders).

For further information please contact the Administration and Technical Staff Office, +39 050 883552/577, e-mail:

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